Keeping Covid-19 out of the office and our lives are tasks we have all been labored with and is a monumental one. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought devastation across the globe, and its affects have touched every single part of our lives, therefore we must do our upmost to continue fighting against this deadly virus. Never before have businesses been forced to shut down virtually overnight to stop the spread of this deadly virus. Now that the lockdown regulations have been eased, we are seeing an increase in staff returning to an office environment. However, keeping Covid out of the office and employees safe comes with many challenges for businesses in terms of commercial janitorial cleaning services.
Covid-19 is transmitted through various sources, it can be contracted from an infected person through touch, airways, or even through infected surfaces that the person has been in contact with. Mainly it is transferred through respiratory particles, breath, saliva from a sneeze or cough, and speech. Because it has been proven that airways are the main source of infection, masks were made mandatory for all of those who could wear one. The concept is simple, the mask covers both your mouth and nasal passages, which in turn disallows a portion of the particles to travel to another person. When two people talk to each other and both wear a mask the infection risk is a lot lower. A simple handshake is now viewed as a potential threat, has the other person coughed or sneezed into the hand they’re stretching out to you?
Keeping surfaces Covid free
Bacteria and viruses can live on surfaces for certain periods of time depending on what material the surface is made from, for example, a porous surface (a surface with holes in) allows airflow through it causing Covid-19 to only survive on the surface for a very short period, hence why a consistent fresh airflow has been recommended in every office and facility – this aids in “blowing away” the airborne virus.
However, non-porous materials allow the virus to live on their surfaces for approximately 72 hours (3 days), this is a long time – especially in a busy office. Non-porous materials have a much tighter structural form, metals, glass, natural stone, plastics…are all non-porous materials. In a standard office building, you will be met by these materials throughout, some simple examples are door handles, keyboards, pens, desks, phones…the list goes on.
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) were hot on the case when it came to ensuring there were cleaning products readily available to kill Covid-19 throughout offices and businesses. They provided a list under section N which is proven to kill Covid-19 on surfaces and materials.
A-1 Cleaning: Proud to be making a difference
We are proud to be making a difference in the fight against Covid-19. We are currently using EPA approved chemicals from the EPA N list for disinfectants proven to kill coronavirus in all our facilities. We are focusing on solutions related to disinfecting and sanitation to ensure the safety of our employees, customers, and partners during this challenging time.
All A-1 staff, wear proper PPE in all facilities we service on a daily basis, and we are offering free plans and protocols for facility managers on how to handle outbreaks. Our top priority is to help everyone get through this difficult time in any way we can.
See what one of our clients think about our aid in fighting Covid-19.
Warehouse Facility – New York, NY – Disinfecting service (Covid-19 Shutdown)
“First of all, thanks for your quick action. Your team was extremely professional. Reacting to this quickly allows us to ease the tension of our staff, as health and safety is our number 1 priority. Extra benefits allow us to continue to service our customers and help maintain our essential responsibilities.”
A-1 services recommended for you
Electrostatic spraying services – This is one of the most highly effective disinfecting services we can perform. We come in on a nightly or weekly basis with electrostatic sprayers and spray your facility’s high traffic areas and touchpoints. As the disinfecting liquid comes out of the gun it is electrostatically charged. This lets the liquid cling to surfaces and wrap around the negatively charged surfaces, getting everything cleaner than just spraying and wiping does.
It is especially ideal for objects that cannot be cleaned on a nightly basis by hand, like pens, desk items, paper clips etc. We currently perform this at many facilities such as office buildings, public transit hubs, athletic facilities, and medical offices. It is also used in airplanes, vehicle interiors, schools, and many other places.
Daytime Porter Disinfecting – In addition to nightly cleaning, this is the absolute best service you can add to combat Covid-19. Coronavirus is transported from person to person. So, although we may disinfect your facility nightly with high-tech machines, all that work becomes relatively ineffective if someone contagious comes in while your facility is open. That is why having a visible porter who cleans the restrooms and communal area touchpoints daily is key to stopping the spread.
This service keeps the patrons of your facility safe. It also lowers liabilities and puts everyone at ease as they can see your facility management is being proactive and taking the appropriate steps to combat the spread of the virus.
Products and advice we can provide
Sanitizing Stations
These help keep customers and employees safe by providing an effortless way to sanitize at every entrance, lobby, and communal area. The San ‘N’ Serv Touchless Hand Sanitizer Floor Dispenser from Service Ideas can be filled with a liquid hand sanitizer of your choice and placed in any communal space. The battery-operated motion sensor provides over 8,000 cycles of sanitary touchless dispensing.
Face Masks
General 3-layer face mask. Pack of 50 for mouth and nose protection.
Hand Sanitizer
Great where hand washing is not available. Currently sold by the gallon, great for refilling hand sanitizer stations or you can attach a pump to the top. Bottle size and brands vary depending on availability.
General Recommendations
- Staggering traffic flow to alleviate congestion in the building and keep people at an appropriate distance.
- Providing guidelines on the proper use of PPE to enter the facility.
- Screening patrons who enter facility.
- Limit the number of vendors allowed in and out of facility.
- Daytime porter and nightly disinfecting to limit exposure to a large outbreak in the facility.
- Keep employees/customers up to date with new cleaning measures.
- Markings on floors to show safe distancing.
- Limiting staff times and days to alleviate congestion in facility, making social distancing easier.
- Have regular deep cleans, so everyone who enters the facility feels it is clean and sterile.
Our office is open for all your Covid-19 and commercial janitorial cleaning needs. Contact us today for advice and a free consultation on any of our services and products.